You asked, now we're answering. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we get asked when meeting with new members.
What is the PRCC?
The Penobscot River Community Coalition (PRCC) is an alliance founded by community members and local organizations who are working to find common sense projects and initiatives that will support the Penobscot's continued recovery. The PRCC provides a helpful forum for members to share information, stay engaged with the river's recovery and, by working together across multiple communities to discuss and support local activities on and along the river, ensure those who know the River best are guiding its future.
What is the mission of the PRCC?
The mission of the PRCC is simple: to lift up local voices who want to continue the work to preserve and protect the Penobscot for future generations of Mainers.
We will support the continued restoration and preservation of the Penobscot River from its industrial past with a balanced, community focused, approach to water quality and ecosystem improvement projects. The coalition focuses on and works to lift up the voices of those in the communities along the Penobscot. Mainers who have live and work on the River know it best and should be central in shaping its continued recovery so that future generations of Mainers will be proud of the Penobscot and its rich heritage.
Why is the PRCC Needed?
For centuries the Penobscot River has been the economic, cultural, and environmental heartbeat for our region. The communities that line the Penobscot once relied on it for food, to transport goods like lumber, and to power industries like paper mills that employed thousands of Mainers. However, while these industries were the economic drivers in our region, regulations were vastly different than they are now, and garbage and industrial materials were discharged directly into the river. While the river is better today than it has been in a long while, there are still legacy issues about the health of the river that are being debated today. Communities have been hard at work over the past two decades to work for a healthier, cleaner Penobscot. The PRCC will work to support ongoing restoration efforts and will look for common sense solutions to issues that are raised about the river and look to our members for new and innovative initiatives that will continue our River's recovery for future generations.
What is the PRCC Advisory Committee? The PRCC Advisory Committee is made up of leaders from communities along the Penobscot. The Committee ensures that PRCC’s initiatives, programs, goals and mission accurately and effectively represent the challenges, priorities, and concerns of their respective communities as they relate to the future of the Penobscot River. Together, they act as ambassadors to other PRCC members.
How can I get involved?
The PRCC welcomes any and all who support our mission and the Penobscot River. Please complete the form on the Join Us page to sign up today!
Why should I join?
Those who live along the Penobscot know it best. It will be critical to our River’s continued improvement to have voices from a diversity of communities, working together, becoming involved in the conversation about the future of our River to make it a better place for future generations. Your participation will ensure that we can work toward our goal of creating a more inclusive, common sense, community-based discussion surrounding the future of the Penobscot River.
What should I expect as a member?
You will receive informational updates about the Penobscot and the work being done by other members of the PRCC in pursuit of our mission. You will be encouraged to make your voice heard and to share your ideas about how to continue to improve the quality of the Penobscot River while balancing the economic interests of our region. Additionally, you will be invited to join fellow coalition members and the public at various community and informational events where we will work to extend our message and build our coalition to ensure a bright future for the Penobscot.
What else can I do to ensure the continued improvement of the Penobscot?
We all must take steps every day to be more aware of our River and acknowledge our own role in contributing to some of the pollution that is still entering the River. Small changes in our everyday activities can make a big difference! For example, limit the use of fertilizers containing phosphorous and nitrogen in your home gardens. Be sure that you are properly disposing of out dated medicines with techniques approved by the FDA and not flushing any potentially harmful substances down the drain and into the River. If you witness illegal dumping of garbage, debris, tires, scrap, and other waste on the banks or shores of the River, report it directly to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. By working together and staying vigilant every day, we can make sure that the Penobscot River is a cleaner, healthier river for generations to come.
Are there current challenges facing the Penobscot?
While we should be celebrating how far we have come, it’s also important not to lose sight of continuing changes in the economy and ecosystem that might represent challenges to ensuring continued improvement for generations to come. Members of the PRCC are constantly monitoring several topics of interest and we need you to join our membership. Together, we can make sure our collective voice is ready to participate in any discussion, action or decisions that might impact the future.
More questions? We'd be happy to answer them! Shoot us an email at penobscotrivercoalition@gmail.com.