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We are all responsible for the health of our river. The PRCC brings together many voices so that, as one, we can speak loudly and be heard. Taking the first step to action is easy!


Here are a few ways to do something today that will impact the future of the Penobscot River: 


Become a Member

Those who live along the Penobscot know it best. It will be critical to our River’s continued improvement to have many voices working together to improve the River for future generations. Your participation will ensure that we can work toward our goal of creating a more inclusive, common sense, community-based discussion surrounding the future of the Penobscot River.

The PRCC welcomes any and all who support our mission and the Penobscot River. Please complete the form on the Join Us page to sign up today!


Make Small Changes 

We all must take steps every day to be more aware of our River and acknowledge our own role in contributing to some of the pollution that is still entering the River. Small changes in our everyday activities can make a big difference! For example, limit the use of fertilizers containing phosphorous and nitrogen in your home gardens. Be sure that you are properly disposing of out dated medicines with techniques approved by the FDA and not flushing any potentially harmful substances down the drain and into the River.

Be a Watchful Neighbor 

If you witness illegal dumping of garbage, debris, tires, scrap, and other waste on the banks or shores of the River, report it directly to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. By working together and staying vigilant every day, we can make sure that the Penobscot River is a cleaner, healthier river for generations to come.

Help Bring the Penobscot Forward 

The PRCC is always looking for innovative projects or organizations that are working in communities along the Penobscot to educate Mainers about the river's proud heritage. Our river has made incredible strides in the past decade and our goal is to continue to work and build on its progress. So we want to hear from you! 

Do you have a project that needs funding? Are you planning an event that you want the PRCC to sponsor? Would you like the PRCC to partner with you on an event/project? Complete the form below and let us know. 

The goal of the PRCC Penobscot Forward program is to:

• support volunteers and local organizations working to preserve and protect the Penobscot River
• foster relationships by encouraging diverse community partnerships 
• empower the next generation of Mainers to stay engaged and involved with the future of the Penobscot 


Questions? Email

© 2017 by PRCC. 

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